CoxIter - Computing invariants of hyperbolic Coxeter groups
CApp | Main class for the application |
CArithmeticity | This class tests the arithmeticity of a graph which has no dotted edge and which is non-cocompact. It uses Vinberg's criteria |
CCoxIter | Main class for the work |
CCycleElement | |
CCycles | |
CGBD | Gal, Bonnafé-Dyer This part is still experimental! |
CGraph | This class represents one graph |
CGraphPtrComp | |
CGraphsList | Liste des graphes |
CGraphsListIterator | Permet de parcourir une liste de graphes Utilisation (pour un GraphsList *gl ) GraphsListIterator iter( gl ); |
CGraphsListN | Liste des graphes d'une taille donnée |
CGraphsProduct | : Un produit de graphs |
CGraphsProductSet | |
CGrowthRate | To compute the growth rate |
CGrowthRate_Result | |
CMPZ_rational | |
CNewVertex | |
CNumber_template | |
CPCRERegexp | |
CRational | |
CSignature |