CoxIter  1.2
CoxIter - Computing invariants of hyperbolic Coxeter groups
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAppMain class for the application
 CArithmeticityThis class tests the arithmeticity of a graph which has no dotted edge and which is non-cocompact. It uses Vinberg's criteria
 CCoxIterMain class for the work
 CGBDGal, BonnafĂ©-Dyer This part is still experimental!
 CGraphThis class represents one graph
 CGraphsListListe des graphes
 CGraphsListIteratorPermet de parcourir une liste de graphes Utilisation (pour un GraphsList *gl )
GraphsListIterator iter( gl );
 CGraphsListNListe des graphes d'une taille donnĂ©e
 CGraphsProduct: Un produit de graphs
 CGrowthRateTo compute the growth rate