34 #define __COXITER_H__ 1 40 #ifndef _COMPILE_WITHOUT_REGEXP_ 55 #include <unordered_set> 57 #ifdef _USE_LOCAL_GMP_ 199 CoxIter(
const vector< vector<unsigned int> >& iMatrix,
const unsigned int& iDimension );
216 bool bRunAllComputations( );
221 void printCoxeterMatrix( );
226 void printCoxeterGraph( );
231 void printGramMatrix( );
236 void printGramMatrix_GAP( );
241 void printGramMatrix_Mathematica( );
246 void printGramMatrix_PARI( );
251 void printGramMatrix_LaTeX();
256 void printEdgesVisitedMatrix( );
264 #ifndef _COMPILE_WITHOUT_REGEXP_ 265 bool bReadGraphFromFile(
const string& strInputFilename );
275 bool bWriteGraphToDraw(
const string& strOutFilenameBasis );
283 bool bWriteGraph(
const string& strFilename );
291 #ifndef _COMPILE_WITHOUT_REGEXP_ 292 bool parseGraph( istream& streamIn );
307 bool bEulerCharacteristicFVector();
321 int iIsGraphCocompact( );
328 int isFiniteCovolume( );
336 bool bCanBeFiniteCovolume( );
342 vector< vector<short unsigned int> > bCanBeFiniteCovolume_complete( );
348 void computeGraphsProducts( );
354 void printGrowthSeries( );
361 void printEuclideanGraphsProducts( vector< map<vector< vector<short unsigned int> >,
unsigned int> >* graphsProductsCount );
368 bool bIsVertexValid(
const string& strVertexLabel )
375 unsigned int get_iVertexIndex(
const string& strVertexLabel )
382 string get_strVertexLabel(
const unsigned int& iVertex )
389 string get_strError( )
403 string get_strEulerCaracteristic( )
410 string get_strEulerCharacteristic_computations( )
416 int get_iFVectorAlternateSum( )
422 vector< unsigned int> get_iFVector( )
428 unsigned int get_iVerticesAtInfinityCount( )
434 unsigned int get_iIrreducibleSphericalGraphsCount()
441 bool get_bWriteInfo( )
448 bool get_bDebug( )
455 unsigned int get_iDimension( )
462 bool get_bDimensionGuessed( )
469 int get_iIsCocompact( );
476 int get_iIsFiniteCovolume( );
483 int get_iIsArithmetic( )
490 vector< vector<unsigned int> > get_iCoxeterMatrix( )
497 map< unsigned int, string > get_strWeights()
504 string get_strCoxeterMatrix( )
511 vector< vector< string > > get_array_str_2_GramMatrix( )
517 string get_strGramMatrix( )
523 string get_strCoxeterGraph( )
529 string get_strGramMatrix_GAP( )
535 string get_strGramMatrix_LaTeX( )
541 string get_strGramMatrix_Mathematica( )
547 string get_strGramMatrix_PARI( )
553 string get_strGramMatrixField( )
559 unsigned int get_iVerticesCount( )
565 bool get_bHasDottedLine( )
571 int get_iHasDottedLineWithoutWeight()
577 vector< string > get_str_map_vertices_indexToLabel()
585 void set_iIsArithmetic(
const unsigned int &iArithmetic );
587 void set_bCheckCocompactness(
const bool& bValue );
588 void set_bCheckCofiniteness(
const bool& bValue );
589 void set_bDebug(
const bool& bValue );
590 void set_bUseOpenMP(
const bool& bValue );
591 void set_strOutputFilename(
const string& strValue );
592 void set_sdtoutToFile(
const string& strFilename );
593 void set_strVerticesToRemove(
const vector< string >& strVerticesRemove_ );
594 void set_strVerticesToConsider(
const vector< string >& strVerticesToConsider );
602 void set_bWriteInfo(
const bool& bNewValue );
608 void set_iDimension(
const unsigned int& iDimension_ );
610 GraphsList* get_gl_graphsList_spherical( )
612 GraphsList* get_gl_graphsList_euclidean( )
614 bool get_b_hasSphericalGraphsOfRank(
const unsigned int& iRank )
616 bool get_b_hasEuclideanGraphsOfRank(
const unsigned int& iRank )
626 void get_iGrowthSeries( vector<unsigned int>& iCyclotomicNumerator, vector< mpz_class >& iPolynomialDenominator,
bool& bReduced );
634 bool get_bGrowthSeriesReduced( );
636 vector< mpz_class > get_iGrowthSeries_denominator( );
638 string get_strGrowthSeries();
639 string get_strGrowthSeries_raw();
646 const vector< vector< GraphsProductSet > >* get_ptr_graphsProducts( )
654 void set_iCoxeterMatrix(
const vector< vector<unsigned int> >& iMat );
656 void set_strOuputMathematicalFormat(
const string& strO );
663 void map_vertices_labels_removeReference(
const unsigned int& iIndex );
670 void map_vertices_labels_addReference(
const string& strLabel );
676 void map_vertices_labels_create( );
682 void map_vertices_labels_reinitialize();
690 void initializations( );
700 void DFS(
unsigned int iRoot,
unsigned int iFrom );
712 void addGraphsFromPath( );
721 void AnToEn_AnToTEn(
const vector<short unsigned int>& iPathTemp,
const vector< bool >& bVerticesLinkable );
732 void AnToEn_AnToTEn(
const vector<short unsigned int>& iPathTemp,
const vector< bool >& bVerticesLinkable,
const bool& bSpherical,
const short unsigned int& iStart );
742 void B3ToF4_B4ToTF4(
const vector<bool> &bVerticesBeginLinkable, vector<short unsigned int> iPathTemp,
const short unsigned int &iVEnd );
753 void computeGraphsProducts(
GraphsListIterator grIt, vector< map<vector< vector<short unsigned int> >,
unsigned int> >* graphsProductsCount,
const bool& bSpherical,
GraphsProduct& gp, vector< bool >& bGPVerticesNonLinkable );
766 mpz_class i_orderFiniteSubgraph(
const unsigned int &iType,
const unsigned int &iDataSupp );
774 bool b_isGraph_cocompact_finiteVolume_parallel(
unsigned int iIndex );
782 bool b_isGraph_cocompact_finiteVolume_sequential(
unsigned int iIndex );
791 void growthSeries_symbolExponentFromProduct(
const vector< vector<short unsigned int> >& iProduct, vector<unsigned int>& iSymbol,
unsigned int& iExponent )
800 void growthSeries_symbolExponentFromProduct(
const vector< vector<short unsigned int> >& iProduct,
string& strSymbol,
unsigned int& iExponent )
805 void growthSeries_parallel();
810 void growthSeries_sequential();
812 void growthSeries_details();
825 void growthSeries_mergeTerms( vector< mpz_class >& iPolynomial, vector<unsigned int>& iSymbol, vector< mpz_class > iTemp_polynomial,
const vector<unsigned int>& iTemp_symbol, mpz_class biTemp = 1 );
833 return ( i*(2*n - 1 - i)/2 + j);
838 return ( ( 2*n+1 -
iSQRTsup((2*n+1)*(2*n+1) - 8*k) )/2 );
844 return ( k - ( iRow * ( 2*n-1-iRow ))/2 );
ofstream * outCout
Flow to the file.
Definition: coxiter.h:89
unsigned int iLinearizationMatrix_index(const unsigned int &i, const unsigned int &j, const unsigned int &n)
Definition: coxiter.h:831
int iFVectorAlternateSum
Alternating sum of the components of the f-vector.
Definition: coxiter.h:176
streambuf * sBufOld
To reset the cout, at the end.
Definition: coxiter.h:90
bool bHasBoldLine
True if the graph has a bold line.
Definition: coxiter.h:108
bool bCheckCofiniteness
True if we want to check the finite covolume condition.
Definition: coxiter.h:110
vector< short unsigned int > iPath
chemin en cours (pour le DFS)
Definition: coxiter.h:125
Permet de parcourir une liste de graphes Utilisation (pour un GraphsList *gl ) GraphsListIterator it...
Definition: graphs.list.iterator.h:44
vector< vector< GraphsProductSet > > graphsProducts
Definition: coxiter.h:144
int iIsCocompact
1 If cocompact, 0 if not, -1 if don't know, -2 if not tested
Definition: coxiter.h:111
int iIsArithmetic
1 If arithmetic, 0 if non-arithmetic, -1 if don't know
Definition: coxiter.h:112
MPZ_rational brEulerCaracteristic
Euler characteristic.
Definition: coxiter.h:173
vector< string > strVertices
Vertices to be taken.
Definition: coxiter.h:116
Liste des graphes.
Definition: graphs.list.h:40
unsigned int omp_get_max_threads()
Definition: coxiter.h:67
string strEulerCharacteristic_computations
Euler characteristic (without the computations done)
Definition: coxiter.h:174
map< string, unsigned int > map_vertices_labelToIndex
For the correspondance: label <-> indexes of vertices.
Definition: coxiter.h:118
vector< bool > bVerticesVisited
For the DFS: traversed vertices.
Definition: coxiter.h:124
vector< unsigned int > growthSeries_iCyclotomicNumerator
Contains a list oif cyclotomic polynomials.
Definition: coxiter.h:181
vector< string > map_vertices_indexToLabel
For the correspondance: label <-> indexes of vertices.
Definition: coxiter.h:119
bool growthSeries_bFractionReduced
True if the fraction has been reduced (it is always the case when the cyclotomic terms are <= 60...
Definition: coxiter.h:182
bool bGraphsProductsComputed
True if we computed the graphs products.
Definition: coxiter.h:103
unsigned int iSphericalMaxRankFound
Maximal rank for a spherical graph.
Definition: coxiter.h:98
vector< unsigned int > iFVector
Definition: coxiter.h:177
unsigned int iVerticesAtInfinityCount
Number of vertices at infinity.
Definition: coxiter.h:178
string strGramMatrixField
Field generated by the entries of the Gram matrix.
Definition: coxiter.h:127
map< unsigned int, string > strWeights
Weights of the dotted lines (via linearization)
Definition: coxiter.h:122
vector< mpz_class > iPowersOf2
Some factorials and powers of two.
Definition: coxiter.h:169
Definition: mpz_rational.h:49
vector< string > strVerticesRemove
Vertices to be removed.
Definition: coxiter.h:115
bool bCoutFile
True if we want to redirect cout to a file.
Definition: coxiter.h:88
GraphsList * graphsList_spherical
Pointer to the list of spherical graphs.
Definition: coxiter.h:130
vector< mpz_class > growthSeries_iPolynomialDenominator
(i-1)th term contains the coefficient of x^i
Definition: coxiter.h:180
bool bHasDottedLine
True if the graph has a dotted line.
Definition: coxiter.h:106
int iHasDottedLineWithoutWeight
If the graph dotted lines without weight (-1: maybe, 0: no, 1: yes)
Definition: coxiter.h:107
int iIsFiniteCovolume
1 If finite covolume, 0 if not, -1 if don't know (or cannot know), -2 if not tested ...
Definition: coxiter.h:113
: Un produit de graphs
Definition: graphs.product.h:45
bool bWriteInfo
If we want to write informations (false if CoxIter is used "as a plugin")
Definition: coxiter.h:83
unsigned int iLinearizationMatrix_row(const unsigned int &k, const unsigned int &n)
Definition: coxiter.h:836
bool bWriteProgress
If we want to display the progress // TODO: option.
Definition: coxiter.h:84
bool bDimension_guessed
If the dimension was not specified but guessed.
Definition: coxiter.h:100
GraphsList * graphsList_euclidean
Pointer to the list of euclidean graphs.
Definition: coxiter.h:131
string strOuputMathematicalFormat
Format for mathematical output (generic, mathematica)
Definition: coxiter.h:92
vector< vector< bool > > bEdgesVisited
For the DFS: traversed edges.
Definition: coxiter.h:123
bool bCheckCocompactness
True if we want to check the cocompacity.
Definition: coxiter.h:109
bool bUseOpenMP
Use OpenMP.
Definition: coxiter.h:79
unsigned int iDimension
Dimension (or 0)
Definition: coxiter.h:97
bool bGraphExplored
True if we looked for connected subgraphs (affine and spherical)
Definition: coxiter.h:102
string growthSeries_raw
Row series, not simplified.
Definition: coxiter.h:184
To simplify the use of regexp.
unsigned int omp_get_thread_num()
Definition: coxiter.h:66
unsigned int iLinearizationMatrix_col(const unsigned int &k, const unsigned int &n)
Definition: coxiter.h:841
vector< vector< GraphsProductSet > > graphsProducts_bCanBeFiniteCovolume
Definition: coxiter.h:154
vector< map< vector< vector< short unsigned int > >, unsigned int > > graphsProductsCount_spherical
Definition: coxiter.h:166
bool bGrowthSeriesComputed
True if we computed the growth series.
Definition: coxiter.h:104
bool bDebug
If true, prints additionnal information.
Definition: coxiter.h:77
string strError
Error code.
Definition: coxiter.h:76
vector< map< vector< vector< short unsigned int > >, unsigned int > > graphsProductsCount_euclidean
Count graphs products (with their multiplicities)
Definition: coxiter.h:167
Main class for the work.
Definition: coxiter.h:73
unsigned int iVerticesCount
Number of vertices.
Definition: coxiter.h:96
ostream & operator<<(ostream &o, const CoxIter &g)
Definition: coxiter.cpp:1313
unsigned int iEuclideanMaxRankFound
Maximal rank for an euclidean graph.
Definition: coxiter.h:99
vector< vector< unsigned int > > iCoxeterMatrix
Coxeter matrix.
Definition: coxiter.h:121
bool bGramMatrixField
True if the field was determined.
Definition: coxiter.h:128
Some mathematical functions regarding polynomials.